Friday, September 02, 2005

CELL:09192943865 / 09053233572


MARCH 4,2004 TO APRIL 4,2004

KM 3 CAVE - MARCH 18,2004 TO APRIL 4, 2004


1.Jean-Paul Sounier (Team Leader/French caver)
2.William Michel (French Caver)
3.Tristan Godet (French Caver)
4.Bruno Fromento (French Caver)
5.Philipe A. (French Journalist)
6.Guido Rossi (Italian Caver)
7.Matteo Rivadossi (Italian Caver)
8.Lorenzo Caramazza (Italian Caver)
9.Claudio Castegnati (Italian Caver)
10.Joni Bonifacio (Trexplore/Filipino Caver)

The Samar Philippines 2004

The shipment “Mactigol 2004″, organized from the famous French speleologo Jen Paul Sounier in collaborzione with Geographic l’Associazione Odissea Nature Adventure and from the Group Coves Brescia “Corrado Allegretti”, he will operate nell’isola of Samar in the Philippines from 28 February to the 2 You open them. The ten participants: Matteo Rivadossi, Giacomo Rossetti and Claudius Castegnati of the Group Coves Brescia, Lorenzo Red Caramazza and Guido (responsible geologist of the scientific part) of Verona, Jean Paul Sounier and other four connects French.

Obbiettivo L’ambizioso of this initiative sara the attainment and l’esplorazione dell’inghiottitoio of the Mactingol river, situated in means of the carso dell’isola of Samar: the mythical one “fiume that romba”, it seems to disappear in a ciclopico ingressso in order to return to day a ten of kilometers more to goes them from the bewitched source of Kalidungan, one of the three larger carsiche risorgive of the world with 25-30 cubic meters to the second of capacity in regimen of “secca”! Just l’aspettativa of imbattersi in one of the course d’acqua underground larger to the world it has motivated numerous tried to you that they have been repeated between 1985 and l 2002, to work of Italians but also of French, always ill-fatedly it blocks to you from local the political tensions.

In the hope to go around the warm zone and above all to avoid one snervante approach on foot at least five days, d’accordo with the French friends, is chosen this time to use a helicopter that will allow to directly transport men and materials of the shipment in the heart of the forest where it will come installed the operating field base for a month. From quì the inspections will leave that will try to characterize, to explore and to topografare all the cavities around Mactingol. Therefore making it is hoped finally of sfatare the inviolabilità myth that gives a ventennio flutters around this idrogeologico colossus become for all the appasionati ones of speleologia by now leggendario.

This time will be indeed an adventure total in complete autonomy, a tenacious collaboration between speleologi French and Italian, sincere appasionati of the shape purer not sure speleologica d’esplorazione and little figures sponsored of some Italian organizations from the easy television appearances, that with the necessary dose R-di.fortuna it could be decisive.

E’ previewed moreover the collection of data on geology, the chimismo of waters and Biology, the realization of one photographic documentation and a video-documentary in digital format them.

Matteo Rivadossi

(from the official notice it prints of the 8/4/2004 of Matteo Rivadossi)

The shipment "Mactingol 2004", organized from the geographic association bresciana Odissea Naturavventura and from the Group Coves Brescia "Corrado Allegrettos", has operated in the island of Samar in the Philippines from 28 February to the 6 Opens them. the 10 participants: Matteo Rivadossi di Nave, Claudius Castegnati di Botticino, Lorenzo Red Caramazza and Guido (geologist, responsible of the scientific part) of Verona, Jean Paul Sounier (capospedizione) and others 4 connects French beyond to indispensable a revealed local fan like translator. In order to avoid the snervante of on foot several approach days in the intricatissimo varies problems above all but carso of the island of the Samar (wildest and incontaminata of the archipelago), this time is chosen a helicopter that has allowed to directly transport the members of the shipment and all the materials (nearly a ton) in the heart of the forest where it has been installed the field base with an autonomy of a month.

From here giornalmente, with the indispensable guide of some premises that live in zone, they have been carries out you of the inspections in order to characterize and to topografare all the cavities around the loss of the Mactingol river. After solo a single day of search the obbiettivo more ambitious than this initiative has been totally caught up with the ritrovamento of a inghiottitoio that after 200 meters sbuca on the enormous tenebrous gallery of the underground collector who collects all the waters of this part of the carso.

E' he the "river that romba" a lot dreammed that silent hour in the buio slides in order to more return to day a ten of kilometers to goes them from the bewitched source of Kalidungan, one of larger the carsiche risorgive of the world with approximately 20 cubic meters to the second of capacity in regimen of lean! The three km of galleries seed-flooded explored to taken with one the most dangerous current from 10 cubic meters to the second! Along the feature to they goes will be quite necessary of the corrimano in order to be does not drag to you via!

Long features “acquatici”, seed-flooded passages are the norm in the tropical coves of the Filippine… Great ipogei atmospheres “fossili” in the carso disowned situated to dell’isola north of Samar that, in rain case strong, because of the tracimazione of the external rivers, returns to being overflows to you dall’acqua.

"Unfortunately after solo four days of activity with very 5000 meters of new coves that continue to the field arrive some armed members pertaining to a gang that imperversa in the zone: threatening they obtain one large sum of money... We do not have other choice. The French journalist, perhaps very interpreting the situation, abandons the shipment. In many we are titubanti but the capospedizione is irremovibile. The every next day reservoir on the eventuality to abandon the plan comes definitively melted from the arrival of a command of maoisti guerrillas whom they seize, M16 in fist, all the photographic and speleologico material ordering one fast departure. Under an incessant rain (by now it is the sixth consecutive day!) in 9 lasciamo the field, the great and by now familiar burlaps, its beastly mud and our velleità. After 8 hours of march with 40 kg on the shoulders of new the guerrillas: they do not have doubts, they want my video camera and the telephone to satellitare having found the respective batteries yesterday... Me perquisiscono. Satellitare is in the mango dry, the video cameras wrapped in dressed the more becomes muddied... Video to you! Video! Phone! But they do not find nothing. The friends will riferiranno me become white man like one rag...

Yesterday evening I had communicated the position to Sonia, together to the numbers of the 2 embassies... Not there is danger but he marks these data to you because if you did not have to recall to you tomorrow at least you know what to make... In order to catch up the first road the next day we will have to walk an other entire day. I will lose I use them of according to pair of climbing shoes while my feet will take one beautiful mycosis... Then a yearned for beer in the Calbiga relative, where in order more times in 10 years I have dreammed a permission in order to go to Mactingol."

But of it it was worth the pain, comes to wonder? Not an answer is sure rations them. Sure it is that just the expectation of imbattersi in one of water greater the underground course of the world has motivated numerous tried to you that they have repeated between 1985 and 2002, to work of Italians but also of French, always ill-fatedly it blocks to you from local the political tensions. In the impera zone in fact from years the maoista guerrilla who rivendica one independent management from the government of Manila: in the 1994 just forced Rivadossi and companions they had lived the disavventura of to have been stopped and, crews in fist, to deliver given topographical and photographies. In 2002 waiting for the permissions necessary in order to enter in the zone quite heavy threats had arrived.

"the idea of a shipment Italian-French who re-united the forces of who in the Philippines had arrived on the traces of this unsolved exploratory problem is born in the 2001 from me and Jean Paul in order to realize single three later years. A period this dedicated not even logistically to plan and to prepare in the details one not easy shipment.
This time has been indeed a complete adventure and in complete autonomy and creed that the secret of this happening is from searching in a profitable collaboration between Italians and French, sincere it gets passionate you of the purer shape of not sure speleologica exploration and sponsored little figures that they make reference to some Italian organizations from the easy television appearances... The forest of Samar still hides upgrades them exploratory immense and we had all the papers in order to continue the searches at least 4 weeks: the rest, the unexpected of the band that has derubato to us or of the guerrilla who you have to us removed in "determined" way are unexpected classics of the zones to risk, unfortunately. It makes part of an exciting game but never discounted in which something is attempted that nobody has never seen. E' speleologia.

Now however all know that the underground feature of the Mactingol river exists indeed and that the hours passages to dream rambling in those enormous buie galleries where the river that romba slides violent towards the source has been it goes some. Extraordinarily beautiful and unattainable also hour that has been found: around Mactingol that halo of inviolabilità remains that gives a ventennio accompanies this idrogeologico colossus become by now leggendario for all gets passionate you to it of speleologia.

And it is much difficult one that the things change within some year!". Counting on those political contacts that gia would have had previously to smooth the things in the hope to come to part of the material, the shipment very attends near the citizen of Calbiga 7 days. Then fortunately the situation is unblocked and nottetempo some sfiniti bearers unload the zaini outside of house... He seems that there is all!

The Italian members to this point push in order to more move the ingolositi searches to North from a beautiful photography that puts in evidence the carsico landscape to sides of the great Catubig river, in the North of Samar. Far away therefore from problems of guerrilla and for more in a completely new zone, escaped - he does not know himself like - to all the geologic and speleologiche banns till now produced! Finally the fortune smiles on them: in little enormous days they come explores 7 km very to you of gallery in the "3 Km Hollow" (is just local its toponimo) and other smaller, equally rich cavities of spectacular concretions and sometimes of cobra... The fury of a cyclone, that it will send in flood all the rivers of the zone until making them to tracimare in the cavities, not rendering the progression in adventurous cove particularly dangerous and the simple one to re-enter to the field the evening, will stop the speleologiche activities.

The booty total of the shipment Mactingol 2004 is attested to approximately 14 km of new topografate cavities. In all and two it is made has been carried out moreover the collection of data on geology, the chimismo of waters and Biology, the realization of one photographic documentation and a video-documentary in digital format them.

Gianni Garbelli

Calbiga, Samar ------------ Las Navas Northen Samar
March 4-9, 2004 March 18 to April 4 2004


Pause during one struck to the cavity search: mud,water and hard work make it from padroni… Someaboriginal presents in native place at the moment areescape themselves of the flying machine:they had not never seen before a helicopter from thealive one!


(from the official notice it prints of the 8/4/2004 ofMatteo Rivadossi)

The shipment "Mactingol 2004", organized from thegeographic association bresciana OdisseaNaturavventura and from the Group Coves Brescia"Corrado Allegrettos", has operated in the island ofSamar in the Philippines from 28 February to the 6Opens them. the 10 participants: Matteo Rivadossi diNave, Claudius Castegnati di Botticino, Lorenzo RedCaramazza and Guido (geologist, responsible of thescientific part) of Verona, Jean Paul Sounier(capospedizione) and others 4 connects French beyondto indispensable a revealed local fan like translator.In order to avoid the snervante of on foot severalapproach days in the intricatissimo varies problemsabove all but carso of the island of the Samar(wildest and incontaminata of the archipelago), thistime is chosen a helicopter that has allowed todirectly transport the members of the shipment and allthe materials (nearly a ton) in the heart of theforest where it has been installed the field base withan autonomy of a month.From here giornalmente, with the indispensable guideof some premises that live in zone, they have beencarries out you of the inspections in order tocharacterize and to topografare all the cavitiesaround the loss of the Mactingol river. After solo asingle day of search the obbiettivo more ambitiousthan this initiative has been totally caught up withthe ritrovamento of a inghiottitoio that after 200meters sbuca on the enormous tenebrous gallery of theunderground collector who collects all the waters ofthis part of the carso.E' he the "river that romba" a lot dreammed thatsilent hour in the buio slides in order to more returnto day a ten of kilometers to goes them from thebewitched source of Kalidungan, one of larger thecarsiche risorgive of the world with approximately 20cubic meters to the second of capacity in regimen oflean! The three km of galleries seed-flooded exploredto taken with one the most dangerous current from 10cubic meters to the second! Along the feature to theygoes will be quite necessary of the corrimano in orderto be does not drag to you via! Long features “acquatici”, seed-flooded passages arethe norm in the tropical coves of the Filippine… Great ipogei atmospheres “fossili” in the carsodisowned situated to dell’isola north of Samar that,in rain case strong, because of the tracimazione ofthe external rivers, returns to being overflows to youdall’acqua. "Unfortunately after solo four days of activity withvery 5000 meters of new coves that continue to thefield arrive some armed members pertaining to a gangthat imperversa in the zone: threatening they obtainone large sum of money... We do not have other choice.The French journalist, perhaps very interpreting thesituation, abandons the shipment. In many we aretitubanti but the capospedizione is irremovibile. Theevery next day reservoir on the eventuality to abandonthe plan comes definitively melted from the arrival ofa command of maoisti guerrillas whom they seize, M16in fist, all the photographic and speleologicomaterial ordering one fast departure. Under anincessant rain (by now it is the sixth consecutiveday!) in 9 lasciamo the field, the great and by nowfamiliar burlaps, its beastly mud and our velleità.After 8 hours of march with 40 kg on the shoulders ofnew the guerrillas: they do not have doubts, they wantmy video camera and the telephone to satellitarehaving found the respective batteries yesterday... Meperquisiscono. Satellitare is in the mango dry, thevideo cameras wrapped in dressed the more becomesmuddied... Video to you! Video! Phone! But they do notfind nothing. The friends will riferiranno me becomewhite man like one rag...Yesterday evening I had communicated the position toSonia, together to the numbers of the 2 embassies...Not there is danger but he marks these data to youbecause if you did not have to recall to you tomorrowat least you know what to make... In order to catch upthe first road the next day we will have to walk another entire day. I will lose I use them of accordingto pair of climbing shoes while my feet will take onebeautiful mycosis... Then a yearned for beer in theCalbiga relative, where in order more times in 10years I have dreammed a permission in order to go toMactingol." But of it it was worth the pain, comes to wonder? Notan answer is sure rations them. Sure it is that justthe expectation of imbattersi in one of water greaterthe underground course of the world has motivatednumerous tried to you that they have repeated between1985 and 2002, to work of Italians but also of French,always ill-fatedly it blocks to you from local thepolitical tensions. In the impera zone in fact fromyears the maoista guerrilla who rivendica oneindependent management from the government of Manila:in the 1994 just forced Rivadossi and companions theyhad lived the disavventura of to have been stoppedand, crews in fist, to deliver given topographical andphotographies. In 2002 waiting for the permissionsnecessary in order to enter in the zone quite heavythreats had arrived."the idea of a shipment Italian-French who re-unitedthe forces of who in the Philippines had arrived onthe traces of this unsolved exploratory problem isborn in the 2001 from me and Jean Paul in order torealize single three later years. A period thisdedicated not even logistically to plan and to preparein the details one not easy shipment.This time has been indeed a complete adventure and incomplete autonomy and creed that the secret of thishappening is from searching in a profitablecollaboration between Italians and French, sincere itgets passionate you of the purer shape of not surespeleologica exploration and sponsored little figuresthat they make reference to some Italian organizationsfrom the easy television appearances... The forest ofSamar still hides upgrades them exploratory immenseand we had all the papers in order to continue thesearches at least 4 weeks: the rest, the unexpected ofthe band that has derubato to us or of the guerrillawho you have to us removed in "determined" way areunexpected classics of the zones to risk,unfortunately. It makes part of an exciting game butnever discounted in which something is attempted thatnobody has never seen. E' speleologia.Now however all know that the underground feature ofthe Mactingol river exists indeed and that the hourspassages to dream rambling in those enormous buiegalleries where the river that romba slides violenttowards the source has been it goes some.Extraordinarily beautiful and unattainable also hourthat has been found: around Mactingol that halo ofinviolabilità remains that gives a ventennioaccompanies this idrogeologico colossus become by nowleggendario for all gets passionate you to it ofspeleologia.And it is much difficult one that the things changewithin some year!". Counting on those politicalcontacts that gia would have had previously to smooththe things in the hope to come to part of thematerial, the shipment very attends near the citizenof Calbiga 7 days. Then fortunately the situation isunblocked and nottetempo some sfiniti bearers unloadthe zaini outside of house... He seems that there isall!The Italian members to this point push in order tomore move the ingolositi searches to North from abeautiful photography that puts in evidence thecarsico landscape to sides of the great Catubig river,in the North of Samar. Far away therefore fromproblems of guerrilla and for more in a completely newzone, escaped - he does not know himself like - to allthe geologic and speleologiche banns till nowproduced! Finally the fortune smiles on them: inlittle enormous days they come explores 7 km very toyou of gallery in the "3 Km Hollow" (is just local itstoponimo) and other smaller, equally rich cavities ofspectacular concretions and sometimes of cobra... Thefury of a cyclone, that it will send in flood all therivers of the zone until making them to tracimare inthe cavities, not rendering the progression inadventurous cove particularly dangerous and the simpleone to re-enter to the field the evening, will stopthe speleologiche activities. The booty total of the shipment Mactingol 2004 isattested to approximately 14 km of new topografatecavities. In all and two it is made has been carriedout moreover the collection of data on geology, thechimismo of waters and Biology, the realization of onephotographic documentation and a video-documentary indigital format them.Gianni GarbelliThe great mass d’acqua andstrongly current would want to drag to you via!


La dernière expédition que nous avons organisée est l'expédition MACTINGOL 2004 qui s'est déroulée aux Philippines et dont voici un résumé:
Région / area : île de SAMAR (VISAYAS)
Chef d'expédition / Team leader : Jean-Paul SOUNIER

Participants / members :
France : FROMENTO Bruno, GODET Tristan, MICHEL William, SOUNIER Jean-Paul.Italie : CARAMAZZA Lorenzo, CASTEGNATI Claudio, RIVADOSSI Mattéo, ROSSI Guido.Philippines : BONIFACIO Joni.
Dates: 26 février au 6 avril 2004.


L'objectif principal de l'expédition était de se rendre à proximité de la perte de la rivière Mactingol et d'explorer la zone afin de trouver une entrée au réseau souterrain de cette rivière, dont les eaux ressortent à la résurgence de Kalidongan, au débit de 15 m3/s à l'étiage. Grâce à l'aide de locaux vivant près de la perte, il était également prévu d'explorer les nombreuses grottes connues par eux. Une perte importante située à 6 km au nord-est de la Mactingol était un objectif secondaire.


En raison de la guérilla établie sur le flanc ouest du massif et la distance importante à parcourir si nous avions progressé, comme en 2000 et 2002, par l'est, nous avons choisi l'option de l'héliportage. Celui-ci a eu lieu le 5 mars. L'équipe est opérationnelle sur zone, 9 jours seulement après avoir quitté l'Europe. Le collecteur de la rivière souterraine de la Mactingol est trouvé le lendemain de l'héliportage. Du 6 mars au 9 mars inclus ; l'équipe explore le collecteur ainsi que 6 autres cavités. Le 10 mars, la guérilla débarque, donne l'ordre de quitter le site, et confisque du matériel. Le 11 mars, l'équipe quitte la zone pour se rendre à Calbiga. Le matériel est récupéré le 17 mars. Etant donné la faible probabilité de pouvoir retourner sur la Mactingol, décision est prise de se rendre sur une zone karstique située au nord de l'île. Ce karst est situé à l'est du fleuve Catubig, et n'a jamais était visité par des spéléologues.Le 18 mars, l'équipe établit ses quartiers au village de San Isidro. Nous sommes guidés à l'entrée de la grotte du Kilomètre 3, qui s'avère être un vaste réseau. Du 18 mars au 31 mars, l'expédition explore la grotte du Kilomètre 3, ainsi que 9 autres cavités. L'équipe quitte les Philippines le 6 mars. CAVITES EXPLOREES / EXPLORED CAVES
Zone de la Mactingol / Mactingol area

Grotte MA - 1 / MA - 1 cave : 34 m topographiés / 34 m surveyed
Grotte MA - 2 / MA - 2 cave : 574 m topographiés / 574 m surveyed
Grotte MA - 3 / MA - 3 cave : 300 m topographiés / 300 m surveyed
Grotte MA - 4 ou grotte du Lézard Assassiné / MA - 4 cave or "The Murdered Lizard cave" : 1177 m topographiés ; 1700 m explorés / 1177 m surveyed ; 1700 m explored
Grotte MA - 5 / MA - 5 cave : 173 m topographiés / 173 m surveyed
Grotte MA - 6 / MA - 6 cave : 80 m topographiés / 80 m surveyed
Grotte MA - 7 ou grotte Noel / MA - 7 cave or Noel cave : 88 m topographiés / 88 m surveyed
Grotte MA - 9 ou grotte Renato / MA - 9 cave or Renato cave : 97 m topographiés ; 147 m explorés / 97 m surveyed ; 147 m explorerd

Zone de la Catubig / Catubig area

Grotte du Kilomètre 3 / Km 3 cave : 6600 topographiés ; 7000 explored / 6600 m surveyed ; 7000 m explored
Grottes Donding N° 1 & 2 / Donding N° 1 & 2 caves: 506 m topographiés ; 661 explorés / 506 m surveyed ; 661 m explored
Grotte du Kilomètre 4 / Km 4 cave : 285 m topographiés ; 325 m explorés / 285 m surveyed ; 325 m explored
Grotte du Miraculé / cave of the Saved : 197 m topographiés / 197 m surveyed
Grotte du Serpent / Snake cave : 332 m topographiés ; 352 explorés / 332 m surveyed ; 352 m explored
Grotte du Python / Python cave : 497 m topographiés ; 527 m explorés / 497 m surveyed ; 527 m explored
Grotte de la Dame Blanche / White Lady cave: m topographiés / m surveyed
W1: m topographiés / m surveyed
W2: m topographiés / m surveyed
Total topographiés pendant l'expédition Mactingol 2004 : non encore calculé.
Total explorés : non encore calculé.

PERSPECTIVES / FUTURE PROSPECTSSur la zone de la Mactingol, l'expédition a enfin trouvé le collecteur mythique de cette rivière, la plus importante qui se perd sur le flanc est du massif. L'intervention de la guérilla a empêché la poursuite des explorations, mais la cavité continue, en aval comme en amont. Le potentiel en découverte est énorme. Il est possible que ce réseau puisse être un jour connecté à Can -Yawa (13 km explorés), ainsi qu'à d'autres réseaux issus des nombreuses pertes situées en bordure du karst. Le problème de cette zone reste l'intransigeance de la guérilla, qui risque de ne jamais accorder de permission d'accès.
Notre incursion improvisée sur la zone karstique située au nord de l'île a permis de révéler un karst très intéressant. L'importance de la grotte du Kilomètre 3 augure de belles perspectives en découverte. Une expédition sera très prochainement organisée sur ce secteur.


- EXPEDITION "SAMAR 2006" / EXPEDITION "SAMAR 2006"Lieu / Location : Ile de Samar (Philippines) / Samar island (Philippines)
Date probable / estimated date : mars -avril ou mai - juin 2006 / March - April or May - June 2006.
Objectifs / Objectives: Essai de retour dans la zone de la Mactingol. Exploration spéléo dans la zone de la rivière Catubig / attempt to return in the Mactingol area. exploration of caves in the Catubig river area

- EXPEDITION "SIPHONS SOUS LA JUNGLE" / EXPEDITION "SIPHONS BENEATH THE JUNGLE"Lieu / Location : Nouvelle-Bretagne (Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée) / New Britain (Papua New Guinea)
Date probable / estimated date : début janvier à Mars 2007/ beginning of January to March 2007.
Objectifs / Objectives: plonger les siphons des gouffres Arcturus pour la jonction avec le gouffre Muruk (réseau du Casoar), et du gouffre Aldébaran dans l'espoir de déboucher sur le réseau souterrain de Mayang (20 m3/s) Exploration de deux résurgences dans les gorges de la Galowé et de pertes sur le plateau. Diving of Arcturus sumps to link it with Muruk system. Diving of Aldebaran cave sump in the hope to find a way to Mayang underground system (20 m3/s). Exploration of two resurgences located in the Galowe gorges, and sinkholes on the plateau.


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